Citation/Bibliography Generator – Your One-Stop Shop


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ASA – American Sociological Association

The ASA citation format was developed primarily for researchers and students who prepares papers, theses, dissertations, and other scholarly documents (e.g., professional journal articles) in the field of sociology. At the undergraduate level, students may find that their sociology instructors ask for other common formats (APA, MLA), but at the graduate and research levels, the ASA style is pretty much a requirement.

Basics of the ASA Citation Style

Students who are familiar with APA and/or Chicago format will see that in-text parenthetical referencing are the types of citations also used by the ASA – the author’s last name and date of publication are inserted within the text immediately following the quote or the information to be cited.

End-of-text citations are listed on a page titled “References,” and are in alphabetical order by last name of the author(s). And, just like with other citation styles, the information included in the reference varies based upon the type of resource being cited. Thus, a book, journal article, website, and movie will all be a bit different. Provides Guidelines

We have developed a general guide for students who must use The ASA format, and it is available free on our site. This guide will provide general formatting information, including title pages, margins, pagination and headers. It will also provide an example of each type of reference citation, as a quick resource. On the other hand, you can save yourself a great deal of time and tedious typing (not to mention careless mistakes), if you use our ASA citation machine.

Our Citation Generator

Obviously, we don’t have an actual machine. What we do have is software that holds every type of format style, so that students and other professionals can enter bibliographical information, the style they want, and our citation maker will turn that into t perfect citation which can be converted to any document format and then pasted onto a reference page.

And, because our software is updated anytime guidelines change, the users of our citation builder will never have a mistake in their citations.

Try it Out – It’s Free

You have unlimited access to our citation generator, because we want to save you time and stress. Once you have completed a research work, going back to the tedious task of crafting the perfect bibliography or reference page is not any fun.