Citation/Bibliography Generator – Your One-Stop Shop

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Coming soon citation Generator for Harvard Style

Harvard Style is not a full format specification guideline, such as those of APA or MLA. Actually, it has an interesting history.

What happened was that a scientific researcher at Harvard, Edward Mark, in the late 19th century, got tired of the whole footnote thing. This was the accepted method of citing resources. Information that was to be attributed to a source was number in the text, and then a corresponding number at the bottom of that page. The format for these footnotes was not “regulated,” and so there were a lot of different ways that they were crafted. Mark got tired of it all, especially since the footnote information was pretty much the same as the information in the ”Works Cited” page at the end of the piece. So, he just decided to use a parenthetical reference right within the text of the paper. Thus, the Harvard Style was born.

What are Parenthetical Citations?

Basically, the in-text citation looks something like this:

(Smith, 2008, p. 194): For books. There might be more than one author, and, in that case, both would be listed. The idea is that if you tell the reader the author’s name, the year of the publication, and the page number, you have said enough. The full citation with all of the other information is included in the “Works Cited” page at the end.

(Smith, 2014, p. 32): If Smith also wrote a journal article that the writer is citing, again, the year and page number will tell the reader which resource it refers to in the “Works Cited” page)

Harvard Method Caught On

This method of in-text citation just seemed so logical to other organizations and associations (such as the MLA), they soon adopted Mark’s method and changed their guidelines accordingly. Today, students can thank Mark for making their in-text citations easier.

Some organizations have not adopted the Harvard Style, so students should be careful and not assume that this format is okay for their referencing. And that’s where comes in.

We Have the “Straight Skinny”

If you use for all of your citation and referencing needs, you will never be wrong. Some styles approve of the Harvard Style, and we know which ones. Our automatic in-text citation generators will punch out the correct citation format, no matter what style you need.

Difference Between ”Works Cited” and Bibliography

This is another important distinction. With Harvard Style, the only citations that appear at the end, called the “Works Cited” page, are those that were actually cited in the text of the work.

Other styles allow the adding of resources that were used to gather information but that were not specifically cited in the text of the piece. Thus, you either have an “End-of-Text” reference page or a “Bibliography.”

Don’t Get It Wrong

Whatever citation style you must use, know that has incorporated all of the latest guidelines and “rules” into its citation generating machine.

All you have to do is fill in the form for each citation, let us know which style, and whether it is an in-text or bibliographical citation, and we do the rest. Within seconds you will have your citations, and they will be perfect.

Free and Always Available

You an access our citation creator tool 24 hours a day for free. With an offer like that, how can you refuse?